Heritage High School
Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America - Region 5
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FCCLA is a student-led organization at Heritage High School. We are currently the largest student organization at Heritage High School! In 2018, we earned an award from Georgia FCCLA for having the largest chapter in our region! We participate in every state event, as well as several national events. Our advisor, Ms. Jessica Wammock, recently earned recognition as a state and national Master Advisor! Keep reading to find out more about FCCLA...
To join FCCLA, you must be an enrolled student at Heritage High High School.
*Students who have been suspended or have chronic behavior issues are not eligible to join.
Family, Career and Community Leaders of America is a nonprofit national career and technical student organization for young men and women in Family and Consumer Sciences education in public and private school through grade 12. Everyone is part of a family, and FCCLA is the only national Career and Technical Student Organization with the family as its central focus. Since 1945, FCCLA members have been making a difference in their families, careers, and communities by addressing important personal, work, and societal issues through Family and Consumer Sciences education.
To promote personal growth and leadership development through Family and Consumer Sciences education. Focusing on the multiple roles of family member, wage earner and community leader, members develop skills for life through: character development, creative and critical thinking, interpersonal communication, practical knowledge, and career preparation.
Toward New Horizons
(1) to provide opportunities for personal development and preparation for adult life
(2) to strengthen the function of the family as a basic unit of society
(3) to encourage democracy through cooperative action in the home and community
(4) to encourage individual and group involvement in helping achieve global cooperation and harmony
(5) to promote greater understanding between youth and adults
(6) to provide opportunities for making decisions and for assuming responsibilities.
(7) to prepare for the multiple roles of men and women in today's society
(8) to promote Family and Consumer Sciences and related occupations
We are the Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America.
We face the future with warm courage and high hope.
For we have the clear consciousness of seeking old and precious values.
For we are the builders of homes,
Homes for America's future,
Homes where living will be the expression of everything that is good and fair,
Homes where truth and love and security and faith will be realities, not dreams.
We are the Family, Career and Community Leaders of America.
We face the future with warm courage and high hope.